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Yoga Teacher 300 hour
Barre Training 

Physical health is a priority as we age and move into a place of wellbeing and understanding of our true selves.  Yoga allows for many different styles of movement to adjust to your own needs, perfectly meeting you where you are at. Barre focuses on your core with low impact movements to building strength ad


Are you in pain and want to help yourself loosen up?


Are you ready to step up to your true potential physically?


Are you ready to get strong?!




SoulFull Evolution Coaching 

Elevate your authentic self with establishing core values and focus in on self mastery. Build a foundation of basics, structure in new belief systems. Introduce emotional intelligence by irrigating your feelings and establish rewiring your brain. Start decorating your spirit and building new rooms focused on ways of expanding your potential and showing up yourself then humanity!



Do you want to change your life for the better?


Do you want to upgrade the way your mind works?


Do you want to master emotional intelligence?

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Meditation Facilitator 
Yoga Nidra Guide


Grounding will become your favourite past time one you reach bliss inside chaos. The turbulence of life is no match for the centred soul. Integrate more stillness and tranquility during the most difficult of transitions. Fall asleep peacefully with new guides and lessons on peace and self love. 


Are you stuck in anxiety? 


Does you day rush by without any repreve?


Do you take time for YOU?!



Kambo is a frog medicine that I have been working with for 3 years. I did an 8 week practitioner training and continue to hold space for people who are willing to dive in energetically and physically to unblock the stagnant and stuck emotions. Purge some toxins and boost immunity with this pulse of peptides. 

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Reiki is a type of alternative medicine. This hands on healing is universal energy. This form of energy transfer encourages emotional or physical healing within each patient. 




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Clinical Aromatherapist 

Two year intensive program on how to use Essential Oils safely and intentionally to make aromatherapy products focussed on healing and wellness. 


Personal Development Coach

Ongoing education on how to hold space and integrate my own life lessons inside this foundational program that is structured to help you find your true self.

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