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Burning Desire = Creation



I am a passionate artist and healer, weaving the beauty of nature into one-of-a-kind creations that resonate with the spirit. My work is deeply rooted in the belief that art can be a powerful tool for transformation. As I journey through the layers of self, shedding the old and embracing my Divinity, I am committed to sharing the soul tools that have guided me from trauma into the light of unconditional love.

Here, I offer more than just art—I offer an invitation to reconnect with your authentic self through the healing practices of Yoga, Barre, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, and Soulfull Coaching. Whether it's through free classes, workshops, or personalized guidance, my mission is to help you shift perspectives, nurture your soul, and step into the fullness of who you are meant to be.

Join me on this path of growth, creativity, and profound healing.

Flaming Sword

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Red Balls of Fire


*Blessed to be a mother, I embrace conscious parenting and empathetic guidance, finding joy in being a willing student of life's profound lessons. My children have been my greatest teachers, illuminating the path of resilience and unconditional love.

For the past four years as a single mother, I have faced extreme family violence and coercive control, navigating corrupt systems in the fight to reunite with my children. This journey has revealed the deep-rooted systematic oppression of women and children within our society. Enduring relentless litigation and financial abuse through vexatious claims, I have been pushed to the brink of destitution.

Yet, through these trials, my resolve has only strengthened. I stand as an advocate for the innocent, committed to speaking my truth and challenging the broken systems that perpetuate injustice. With unwavering faith, I believe that love will triumph over adversity, paving the way for healing and transformation. Love will win.**

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