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In the depths lays the
gateway to accent...

Your ready to evolve, arnt you?

Observe recurring addiction cycles, and consider the inheritance of generational suffering.

Now your ready to take Radical Accountability of the direction of your life.


You’re ready to stop the internal division between your Ego, God and wholeness.


So you can finally choose conscious actions to align with your Core Values


I am here to help with Soul Tools!

Grow Your Vision

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Kirstin meaning follower of Christ Consciousness and Zelma means Helmet of God.

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My name is Kirstin Zelma







I'm here to guide you in discovering your authentic self, empowering you to heal from within. This inner strength is within you, currently obscured by trauma and false perceptions.


Trancending trauma has become life's muse. Too be strong in the face of adversity for my Children. Rewiring sabotaging patterns and unhealthy attachments with brain mapping and 1:1 Guidance.  I am working with SOUL TOOLS and personal development to engage true potential within ourselves. Change is possible, it just takes conscious  actions and mentorship or extreme dedication. Either way you can do it!

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